Balloon Basics

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Balloon Basics


The objective of this action game is to foster discipline in children and make them realise the importance of discipline and team spirit in executing any task.

Related Values:
  • Discipline
  • Problem-solving
  • Decision-making
  • Team bonding
  • Sharing & caring
Materials Required:
  1. Balloons
  2. Sketch pens
  3. Tub/bucket/jute bag
Preparatory work for the Guru:


How to Play
  1. The Guru gives each child a balloon and a sketch pen.
  2. She asks children to blow their respective balloons and write their names on it in bold letters.
  3. She now asks one child to collect all the balloons and put them all in the Tub/bucket/jute bag.
  4. When the Guru gives a signal with three claps, all the children have to rush to the tub and pick up the balloon with their name and go back to their seats.
  5. This will naturally create chaos and disorderliness, as each child tries to pick up only his balloon.
  6. Once the chaos is settled and each child is seated with his balloon, the Guru asks the children if there is a better way of doing this activity in a disciplined manner consuming lesser time.
  7. One suggestion could be – If a child Y gets Z’s balloon, Y can give the balloon to Z instead of rejecting it and looking for his specific balloon.
  8. The above suggestion scores maximum points!!
Tips to Gurus:
  • Instead of balloons, Balvikas children’s notebooks may be collected and placed in a bag.

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