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Art & Craft

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Art and crafts are fun activities for kids. Ranging from colouring with crayons, making articles from clay, folding paper to create fine origami to designing a handmade New year card, there are several arts and crafts activities, which can enhance the interests of the children and exploit their artistic potential, apart from building their cognitive, physical, and social development.

Art and craft, particularly among the young children, needs to be encouraged to bring them closer to nature, to inculcate in them an appreciation and love for “All Things Bright and Beautiful”. It can also help in awakening of intuition and bringing harmony in the artwork.

Activities like poster-making, involving a group can be a very fascinating project for the students as they promote team spirit and team bonding.

In Balvikas classes, Art and Craft must be used to supplement a shloka, a story, a role- play, a quiz, a group song or group activities like organizing an exhibition, environmental awareness programmes etc.,

Gurus must be innovative enough to integrate the various teaching techniques in Balvikas with Art and Craft, for reinforcement of values in an effective and interesting manner.

A few examples, with relevant values, are given below.

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