External Unity
- All the religions were founded between 7th century B.C and 7th century A.D. with the exception of Hinduism and Sikhism. The origin of Hinduism is lost in antiquity, while Sikhism was founded late in the 16th century.
- All the religions were born in Asia. Asia thus can be said to be the cradle of all religions.
- All the religions had one particular founder (Prophet) except Hinduism. Judaism was founded by Moses, Christianity by Jesus Christ, Buddhism by Buddha, Taoism by Tao, etc. The founders of all the religions were born in Asia only. Hinduism had no founder as such, and it is believed this religion had emanated from God Himself through the medium of the Vedas.
- All the religions have one particular Holy Book, with the exception of Hinduism. The text of the Book is believed to have been revealed by God; eg. Bible of Christianity, Koran of Islam, etc. For Hinduism it is not a single text book but all the Vedas that are considered to be the sacred texts; however, the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and Bhagavad Gita, the three together known as Prasthaana Traya, are considered as the main scriptures for the Hindus.
- All religions have their holy places of pilgrimage, e.g., Kasi for Hindus and Mecca for Muslims etc.
- All the religions have certain holy and sacred days to be celebrated by way of fasting, to be spent in spiritual practices, e.g Maha Sivarathri for Hindus, Ramzan for Muslims, etc.
- Religions are divided into sects in the course of history, e.g. Catholics and Protestants in Christianity, Shias and Sunnis in Islam, Mahayana and Hinayana in Buddhism, etc.
- Prayer and worship is basic to all religions although the methods may be different.
[Source: The Path Divine, Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas, Dharmakshetra, Mumbai]