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Deepavali is a festival of lights. The word ‘Deepavali’ means row of lamps. It is a five day celebration – the first day is called Danteras which is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Dhanwantari, the second day is called Naraka Chaturdashi, the day when the demon Narakasura was killed. The third day is considered as the actual festival which commemorates the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya with His wife Sita after defeating the demon, Ravana.The fourth day is celebrated as Annakoot when Govardhan Puja is done and the finally the fifth day is celebrated as Bhai Dooj symbolizing the love between sisters and brothers.

Let’s dig deeper into this festival and find out more from the stories, chinnakatha, significance and divine discourses given below along with absorbing arts and crafts, activity sheets and more!
