An Overview of Japa & Dhyana

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Japa & Dhyana – An Overview


“The constant recital of the name of God, any of the million names by which he is identified by human imagination or intelligence is the best means of correcting and cleansing the mind of man”

SSS Volume 6, P133

Swami said, “Many people ask Me, “Swami! Give me a Namam (Name), which I can repeat. Take any Namam (Name) you like, any Namam (Name) which appeals to you. All His names are equally sweet”.

SSS volume 5, P33

Gita says that of all yagnyas (sacrifices) Japa-yagnya is the highest. In other yagnyas a man sacrifices something else, but in Japa-yagnya he sacrifices his own self and becomes the self of the Devata whom he worships.

In the beginning, Japa is performed from the tip of the tongue loudly. Then the mantra is repeated mentally from the centre of the throat. Then the mantra descends deeper into the centre of the heart. Further, it goes deeper into the naval centre. ‘JA’ means liberation from the birth cycle. ‘PA’ means liberation from the sinful deeds. Constant chanting of God’s name liberates us from birth and sin cycle.


“Real Meditation is getting absorbed in God as the only thought, the only goal. God only, only God, Think God, breathe God, love God, live God”

Conversations with Sathya Sai Baba, P133

“Through meditation, the weakness of the body can be overcome, the restless nature of the mind can be controlled, and progress towards the Seat of Grace made easy; one can then attain the experience of Primordial Power. One pointed concentration increases willpower and skill and gives success in all endeavours.”

Teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, P 13

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