Be Online

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Be Online


This activity improves co-ordination and social skills which are essential prerequisites for problem solving.

Related Values:
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Time Management
Preparatory work for the Guru:
  1. The Guru prepares as many cards as the number of children in her class.
  2. On each card she writes the name of a character from the Ramayana. Ex.- (Valmiki, Vali, Dasharat, Shatrughan, Janaki, Shabari, Vibheeshan, Mythili, Mandodari, Kaikeyi, Kaushalya)
How to Play
  1. The Guru shuffles the cards thoroughly and gives a card to each child.
  2. She divides her class into two groups and explains the activity.
  3. The children in both groups have to stand in alphabetical order, i.e, according to the name on the card held by each child (as in dictionary).
  4. The group that is able to do this in the shortest possible time scores points.
    Example: Answer – Dasharatha, Janaki, Kaikeyi, Kaushalya, Mandodari, Mythili, Shabari, Shatrughan, Vali, Valmiki, Vibheeshan

Slips with names of saints, great men and women.

Tips to Gurus:

To raise the difficulty level of the activity, many words beginning with the same letter can be used.

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