Advent of Sai

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Come the dawn of November 23 and Prashanthi Nilayam rises early to welcome the holy day. The entire town wears a festive look with people from different parts of the world conglomerating to rejoice the birth of the Avatar. The birthday of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is celebrated world over every year with service activities and prayers. The celebrations begin at least 10 days before. Devotees would bring huge cakes and present birthday cards.

Bhagawan had a message in all these. The birthday messages are another Divine call for the devotees to love all, serve all, and be happy.

During His discourse on November 23, 1997, Bhagawan Baba said:

“Swami does not rejoice in the celebration of birthdays. Since all of you have come for this celebration, I am obliged to give you satisfaction. I have no wants. Whatever I do is for your sake. Recognize this truth. I have no dislike for anyone and no one dislikes me. All are mine and I belong to all. My benediction is ‘May all be happy’. Everyone should adhere to the path of righteousness. All should manifest their spiritual essence and experience spiritual bliss. Till you realise that spiritual oneness, you have to perform devotional acts like bhajans, repetition of the name of God, and prayers.” “Right from this day our organization should expand and spread all over the world. We should forget individual differences and keep in view the welfare of society. The welfare of society is our welfare. Let it be in any village, region, or country, we should participate in all activities.”

Bhagawan’s blessings came in many forms: distribution of clothes, toys, food, etc. In His inimitable manner, He spread the message of joy and sharing through His actions, leaving a cue for all of us to follow.

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