Ceiling On Desires-Game

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Ceiling On Desires- Game

How to play COD related game in class?
  1. Ask Group I children to get their favourite toys to Balvikas class.
  2. Spread a sheet of newspaper on the floor.
  3. Tell the children to place their favourite toys on the newspaper.
  4. Now, remove the toys and fold the newspaper in half.
  5. Ask the children to place their toys on the folded newspaper. Now the newspaper is only half its original size. So children who have lesser number of toys may be able to accommodate all of their toys; however children with more number of toys may have to remove one or two depending on the space. (Gurus can also observe if any child picks up a fight with others to keep all of his/her toys)
  6. Now, once again remove all the toys and fold the sheet of newspaper again. Now the newspaper is even smaller in size. Now ask the children to now place their toys. Children may have to remove some more numbers of their toys.
  7. Keep playing this game till there is enough space only to accommodate one toy of each child.
Value Inculcated:

Through discussion, Gurus can find out why the children decided to remove only certain toys, if they really needed those toys, why there was not enough space to accommodate all toys etc. Finally gurus can drive home the point that if we practice COD, we can give away so many dresses, toys, books to the needy ones and still lead a very comfortable, happy life.

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