Childhood story – part III

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Swami’s childhood stories and glimpses of his Love – Part III

During the month of Magha (the eleventh month of the Telugu calendar), Sathya used to take the children to the Anjaneya Temple at 4 o’clock in the morning.

Some of the children were so young that they could not get up so early. So Sathya would carry them to the nearby pond, give them the sacred bath associated with the month of Magha and then take them to the temple for ‘Pradakshina’ (circumambulation).

Sathya used to sit in the temple while the children did pradakshina. One day, they insisted that He too should join them in circumambulating the temple. “We won’t go round the temple without You”, they said. Sathya at first refused, saying that He was watching them from inside the temple. But finally, their love melted Him. He agreed reluctantly and began to circumambulate the temple.

What happened next was unexpected! As soon as the boys began to march towards the temple, a very large monkey appeared and blocked Sathya’s way. He remained in Sathya’s path with determination.

All the children caught hold of Sathya, and tried to pull Him along with them; but they could not even move Him. He told them, “Do not mistake this Monkey to an ordinary one. He is Anjaneya; He will not allow Me to circumambulate the temple.”

Later, while referring to this incident, Swamiji said that it was Anjaneya himself who had come and stopped Him from going round the temple. Hanuman had said, ‘Oh Lord, Sri Rama! It is I who should circumambulate You. You should not do this.”

After this, there was a great transformation in the hearts of the children. They went around the village telling people what they had witnessed at the Anjaneya temple.

The news reached Subbamma. The next day she called Sathya to her house saying, “Raju I have prepared some dosas; come and partake of them.” In those days, food items like idli and dosa were considered to be rich man’s food! Sathya would never agree to eat alone, and so He told Subbamma He would come only if she fed all the children. Subbamma then prepared dosas for all the children.

When Sathya was not there she would call the children to her and say, “Do you know how fortunate you are to have the friendship of Raju. He is not an ordinary boy. Follow His command. Never disobey Him under any circumstances. Be happy by making Him happy. If you do anything wrong, He won’t express His unhappiness, but you will have to face the consequences of your actions. So conduct yourselves in such a way that He never feels dissatisfied.”

Subbamma dedicated her life to Swamiji. She used to provide free food to all the devotees and was serving Swamiji till she breathed her last. One day, Baba was traveling with her in a bullock—cart when He asked, ”Subbamma, what do you want?” “Swami”, she said softly, “I don’t want anything; but when I breathe my last, please sanctify my life by pouring water into my mouth with Your hands.” Swamiji promised that He would fulfill her desire.
Later, at the request of some devotees, Swamiji went to Chennai for ten days. It was war time. Every hour the air—raid siren would sound and the streets would become deserted. Under the circumstances, Swamiji could not return to Puttaparthi. In the meanwhile, Subbamma fell seriously ill. She was taken to Bukkapatnam where she passed away. Her relatives remarked sarcastically, “Sai Baba gave His word that at her last moment He would pour water into her mouth. Did He come? Where is He?”

As Baba was returning from Chennai He passed by the cremation ground. Logs of wood had been piled up there. Baba stopped and enquired who was going to be cremated. The ‘dhobie’ Subbanna said, “Swami Subbamma died three days ago.” Swamiji went to the house where her body had been kept. As soon as Subbamma’s sister saw Him, she started wailing, “Baba, she longed for You to come. She yearned for the water You would pour into her mouth at the last moment. She died disappointed.” Swamiji told her that such a thing could never happen. He asked for some water and removed the cloth from Subbamma’s face. There were ants crawling over her body as three days had already elapsed. “Subbamma”, Swamiji called lovingly. She opened her eyes, held Swamiji’s hands and wept. He wiped the tears from her face and said, “Now close your eyes peacefully”. He poured the sacred water into her mouth and kept His promise.

We have been listening to stories of Swamiji’s childhood, so that we may realise that Swamiji led an exemplary life even during His student days. There was no reason for Him to undergo the troubles He did in His childhood. He did this purely to set an example. So as His students, we too should conduct ourselves in a manner by which we neither waste money nor time, and cultivate good thoughts, good habits and good actions. Swamiji says, “Base your life on God, please God and redeem your life.”

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