Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi

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Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi

"The significance of Durga, Lakshmi and Sararwathi has to be rightly understood. They represent the three kinds of potencies in  man. Lakshmi is manifested in the form of Ichcha Shakti (Will power), Saraswathi is manifested in man as Jnana shakki (the power of spreech),  and Durga is present in the form of dynamism, Kriyaa Shakti (the power of action)” - Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Criterion: In this round, each team is required to sing a bhajan in which names of Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi occur in the entire bhajan, though not necessarily in one line.
Sl.no. Bhajan
1. Durga Lakshmi Saraswathi
2. Jagan Matey Jaga Janani
3. Jai Jaga Janani Parthini Mata
4. Durga Durga Devi Durgati Nashini
5. Hey Maa Hey Maa Sai Mata Jaga Janani
6. Mangala Karince Maha Lakshmi
7. Durgati Nashini Durga Jai Jai
8. Jaya Jaga Vandini Himagiri Nandini

[Adapted from : Sai Bhajan Anthakshari, A Spiritual game for Sadhana Camps, retreats and Bal Vikas Students by Smt.Nalini Padmanaban]

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