Grand Declaration

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Grand Declaration


A novel activity kindling the imagination of children.

Related Values:


Sense of Enquiry


Materials Required:
  1. Bowl
  2. Slips on each of which is written, ‘If I were a FLOWER, I would like to be — (Other examples – Ramayana, Mahabharata, saints, great personalities, tree, puja items, five elements, animal, bird)
  3. Music/Bhajan
Preparatory work for the Guru:


How to Play
  1. The Guru asks the children to form a circle and be seated.
  2. She explains the game.
  3. A bowl containing the folded slips is passed on from one child to another.
  4. When the music/bhajan stops, the child having the bowl picks up one slip from it.
  5. Example 1 – If the slip contains the word ‘flower’, the child could say, ‘If I were a flower, I would like to be a lotus as it is our national flower’.
  6. Example 2 – If the slip contains the word ‘pooja item’ the child could say, ‘If I were a pooja item, I would like to be a lamp as it illuminates the surrounding.
  7. In this manner the game is continued until all the slips are exhausted and every child gets a chance to give vent to his imagination!!

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