Kumbhakarna’s Death

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 Kumbhakarna’s Death

Kumbakarna's Death

Fierce battles took place for six days, but the Rakshasas lost. Ravana was terrified to accept defeat. He went for help to Kumbhakarna, his brother. Kumbhakarna told him that he had committed a heinous act by abducting another’s wife and asked him to apologize to Rama, but Ravana refused to pay any heed to his words. At last, to support Ravana, Kumbhakarna went to the battlefield. He squeezed Sugriva under his arm and carried him off the field. He asserted that by carrying the king off, he had vanquished the Vanara Army. However, Sugriva could wriggle out of his clutches and resumed attack.  The Vanaras were afraid and many of them lost their lives. Then Rama told Lakshmana that the time had come for Him to enter the field and asked him to bring the inexhaustible arrow-sheath. Armed with the Kodanda Bow, Rama walked into the battle area. Unable to withstand the onslaught of the arrows, the Rakshasas fled. Kumbhakarna tried his best to fight but met his end at Rama’s hands. A splendour arose from the body of Kumbhakarna and merged in Rama.

Gurus to tell children:

We should never support anyone indulging in unfair or unjust actions, even if they are very close friends. We should try to wean them away from the wrong path and if we are not able to convince them to get back into the path of righteousness, we should stay away from such people.

Contrarily, if we go along with such people, our lives will be ruined along with theirs.

Values to be imbibed: ABC of life is Avoid Bad Company and Always Be Careful.

Watch your Word, Action, Thought, Character and Heart.

[Gurus to narrate the story of Jaya and Vijaya – the dwarapalakas of Lord Mahavishnu and tell the children that Ravana and Kumbhakarna were Jaya and Vijaya reborn in the Treta Yuga to redeem their wrong actions. That is why Kumbhakarna met his death in Lord Rama’s [Avatar of Lord Vishnu] hands and finally merged into Him. The Curse on Jaya, Vijaya, their three births in the different yugas can be narrated while teaching the  Vedannudharate sloka in class.]

Narration: Smt. Priya Sujith
[Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas Guru]

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