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Baba explains Prema as the awakening of the Soul and the blossoming and expansion of the heart and spontaneous outpouring of love towards all. It results from intuitive awareness and perception of the Divine as abiding in all.

Baba says, “Love is selflessness”, “Love lives by giving and forgiving”. “By means of love, one can approach God and stay in his presence, for God is love, and when one lives in love he is living in God.” Love perceives a spirit of identity and non-distinction of oneself with others. It is the realisation of the truth and feeling of brotherhood of all men and the kinship of all life, arising in one’s own heart which has been cultured with constant love for God.

Swami says “Cultivate love towards all, that is the way to gain nearness to Me. I do not measure distance in terms of meters or miles; the intensity of love decides the distance between you and me”.

Love is the foundation for all the other four values.
Love in Thought is Truth.
Love in Action is Right Conduct.
Love in Feeling is Peace.
Love in Understanding is Non-violence.

[Source: The Path Divine, Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas, Dharmakshetra, Mumbai]

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