Sarva dharman – Further reading

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Sarva dharman – Further Reading

Sarva-dharmaan partiyajya maam-ekam sharanam vraja
Aham tvaam sarva-paapebhyo mokshayishyaami maa shuchah

(chap 18, verse 66)

Abandoning all sense of righteousness and unrighteousness, Seek Me alone as you sole Refuge. I will liberate you from all sins. Do not fear.

On the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Arjuna weeps when he sees the opposing army of the Kauravaas in front of him. The army includes his relatives and teachers. He is under the illusion that they were ‘his’ in a special way. Krishna tells Arjuna not to waver in his duty, which was to fight against Adharma or injustice. The Kauravas and their supporters were the forces of Adharma.

Baba explains.”Perform all acts enjoined by the Lord for His Glorification without getting involved and lost in discussions of Dharma and Adharma. Be firm in the belief that all this is Paramatma and nothing else.

So there is nothing else to be done except to bow to His Will and surrender to His Plan. Perform all acts enjoined by the Shastras and Scriptures for His sake with no eye on the fruits thereof. This is true Nishkaama Karma.

Do all duties as acts of worship, Hari-prasaadam. That is the sole task. Leave the rest to Him: the fruit, the consequence, the result. Then you receive the grace of God and your life on earth is sanctified and becomes worthwile.

For those who follow the path of Dharma, ultimate victory is certain, inspite of diverse difficulties that might hamper them. Those who stray from the path of dharma might have wealth and comfort for long, but they will be ultimately overpowered by disaster. The Pandavas and Kauravas are examples of this truth.”

When we do our duties in this way as explained by God, the Lord will surely protect us.
“Do not fear,” He assures us. “Nothing can equal the Grace of God, not even the mightiest array of arms.”

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