Sathya’s Omniscience

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Sathya’s Omniscience

Sathya won the respect of common man in Uravakonda as He used to help those in distress. Once a certain person who was a Muslim was frantically searching for his horse which had either strayed or been stolen. The animal was the sole source of livelihood as it was used to pull a cart that transported goods from place to place. Quite desperate for having failed to find the animal after searching for mile around, he was told about Sathya.

The man sought Him right away and poured out his story. Sathya immediately told him to go to a certain grove a mile and a half away from the town. He did this and found the horse grazing all alone and quite unconcerned at the uproar its disappearance had caused! The Muslim community of the area was deeply touched by this kindly act, and thereafter Muslim drivers of carts would stop at seeing Sathya and give Him a lift to or from school!

People would often go to Sathya when they had lost articles of value because they knew His intuitive perception would enable them to locate them.

A teacher had lost his pen and he requested Sathya to reveal the identity of the person who had taken it. Sathya revealed the name of the servant but the teacher did not believe Him as the servant was normally honest, and a search of his room had revealed nothing. However, Sathya persisted in saying that the man had sent the pen to his son who was studying in Anantapur and offered to prove this fact. The father was illiterate and required the services of a letter writer. The writer had written after the usual fashion enquiring after the son’s health, and then asked if the pen sent by the father was working properly! The father also advised that the pen be carefully looked after, since being a costly one, it could be ‘stolen’! A self-addressed card was enclosed for a reply. Within four days, a reply was received saying that the pen was writing magnificently, and would be looked after carefully!

Thus was Sathya’s omniscience proved!

Narration: Smt. Priya Sujith
[Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas Guru]

[Source: Lessons from the Divine Life of Young Sai, Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas Group I, Sri Sathya Sai Education in Human Values Trust, Compiled by: Smt. Roshan Fanibunda]

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