Shadow Matching

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Shadow Matching

(Health is Wealth)

This is a game that requires children to look at the given images and pair the Shadow image with the image of the correct object.


These activities may seem incredibly simple, but children have to analyse the shapes of objects well because the shadow image does not contain any details. The activity demands close attention to details and hones the visual discrimination skills in children.

In the following game, HEALTH IS WEALTH, the pictures of few fruits are given in one row and the shadows of the fruits are given in another row. Children have to match the shadow with the correct image of the fruit.

Related Values:
  • Sense of enquiry
  • Observation
  • Curiosity
  • Focus
  • Discrimination.
Materials required:

Cut out of fruits and its shadow image

Preparatory work for the guru:

The Guru is required to prepare cutouts of fruit images and their respective shadow images.

How to Play

Guru may introduce the shadow activity by asking children to observe their own shadows with which they are more familiar with.

  1. The guru divides the class into 2 groups
  2. Each group is given five sets of original fruit card and shadow card mixed.
  3. Children have identify the fruit images and their respective shadow images and match them
  4. The group that finishes matching first is the winner.
Tips to the Gurus on Further Learning:
  • After the activity, the Guru must emphasise the importance of Satvik Aahaar like fruits, vegetables, greens etc which are very essential for good health.
  • The Guru can explain the importance of the popular Saying – An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away.
  • The Guru can discuss in detail Baba’s Saying – As the Food So the Head. Satvik food generates Satvik thoughts in our mind.
  • The Guru can bring to the children’s attention that Sun is God. When we turn our back to Sun ( God) our shadow falls in front of us and may frighten us at times but if we face the Sun, it is not so. Hence, the right thing to do is to look towards our beloved Swami (God).
  1. Matching inverse shadow images of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Matching shadow images of animals and flowers.
Swami on shadows:

“Shadow is the symbol of worldly illusion (Maya). When we turn towards the sun and proceed, the shadow falls behind. But as long as you follow Maya (with the Sun behind you) Madhavan is out of sight” – Baba.

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