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Govinda Hare Bhajan

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This is a bhajan in praise of Lord Krishna. He is Govinda, Gopala, child of cowherds (Gopi Gopa Bala), the Divine flute player (Murali Gaana Lola), dweller of Radha’s heart (Radha Hrudaya Lola), Cowherd Nanda’s son (Nanda Gopa Bala)

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GOVINDA Name of Krishna; the herdsman – one who tends the cows
HARE Refers to Lord Vishnu who is also known as Hari ,the remover of illusion
GOPALA A name of Lord Krishna which means ‘He who tends the cows’. Means Protector of all beings
MURALI Flute; The one without ego ,hollow
GANALOLA Gana – song; lola – one who revels in;Ganalola – One who revels in songs
RADHA HRUDAYA Radha Hrudaya – The heart of Radha;
RADHA HRUDHAYA LOLA One who dwells in the heart of Radha
NANDAGOPA BALA Cowherd Nanda’s Son