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Hari Hari Hari Hari-Bhajan

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Contemplate on the name of Lord Hari. Meditate on the Lotus Feet of Lord Hari. Indulge in the service of Madhava who is the Divine Flute Player. Sing the glory of the Lord who vanquished the demon Mura (also refers to the demonic qualities) and lifted the mountain.

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Hari Another name of Lord Vishnu
Smaran To remember
Karo To do
Charan Feet
Kamal Lotus
Dhyan Meditate
Murali Another name of Lord Krishna; He bears this name because He plays the flute, which is called ‘Murali’
Madhava One more name of Lord Vishnu or Krishna. Ma + dhava (‘Ma’ refers to Lord Lakshmi and ‘dhava’ means ‘consort’)
Seva service
Murahara A name of Lord Vishnu. Mura + hara (Mura – name of a demon; hara – to destroy)
Giridhari A name of Lord Vishnu especially used for the Krishna avatar because He held the Govardhana mountain aloft on his little finger for a week. Giri – mountain; dhari – one who holds
Bhajan song