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Twayi Mayi

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In you, in me and everywhere, there is but the one Vishnu. Mistakenly viewing me with a sense of difference, you are all ill disposed towards me. Try to see in all beings only Vishnu, who is your own self. Give up your false and egoistic sense of separateness from other beings. Cultivate a sense of kinship, unity and oneness with all.

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Twayi in yourself
Mayi in myself
Chaanya traiko cha+anyatra+ekaH, and+in any other place+only one
Vishnuh the Lord Mahavishnu
Vyartham in vain ; for nothing; purposeless
Kupyasi you get angry
Mayyasahishnuh mayi+asahishnuh, in me+intolerant
Bhava become
Samachittah equal-minded / equanimity
Sarvatra everywhere
Twam You
Vanchhasi you desire
Achirad without delay / in no time
Yadi if
Vishnutwam the quality / state of Brahman / god-realisation