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Jai Jai Jai Manamohana-Bhajan

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Glory to the enchanter of the mind, to the destroyer of the demon; Hail Krishna, who is lord of Lakshmi and the protector of cows.

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Jai Victory be to
Manamohana Mana – mind; mohana – one who captivates or captures
Madhusudhana Madhu – A demon; sudana – to kill; Madhusudana – A name of Lord Krishna to indicate that He killed the demon named Madhu
Madhava One more name of Lord Vishnu or Krishna. Ma + dhava (‘Ma’ refers to Lord Lakshmi and ‘dhava’ means ‘consort’)
Keshava A name of Lord Vishnu or Krishna. One meaning of this word is ‘the one who destroys troubles or Klesha’. Another meaning is ‘the one who has lovely locks of dark and curly hair.’ This is derived from the word ‘kesa’, which means ‘hair’. The word ‘Keshava’ also signifies the slaying of a demon named Kesi in the Krishna avatar.
Gopala Go – cow; pala – protector; This name refers to the Krishna incarnation, because He played the role of a cowherd, tending to cows