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Jaya Jaya Rama-Bhajan

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Victory to Rama who is the consort of Mother Janaki and the Gem of Raghu dynasty. Chant Rama whose name liberates one from the mundane cycle and is a source of delight for the sages and saints, the weilder of the Bow and the vanquisher of the demonic race.

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Jaya Victory be to
Rama Lord Rama; means ‘pleasing’
Janaki Rama Janaki – Mother Sita; it means ‘mother’ literally; Janaki Rama – Lord Rama who is the consort of Mother Janaki
Raghukula Raghu – King Raghu; kula – clan; hence this word means ‘the clan of Lord Rama, which is often called the Raghu dynasty’
Bhushana Ornament
Raja Rama Raja – king; Raja Rama – Lord Rama who was the most ideal king in His dynasty
Tapasa Penance
Ranjana Pleased by
Taraka That which ferries across
Naama Name
Danava Demon
Bhanjana To destroy
Kodanda Rama Kodanda – The bow that Rama wielded; Kodanda Rama – Lord Rama with the Kodanda bow