- Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas - https://sssbalvikas.in/ta/ -

Value Song

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  • SATHYA is truth, knowing what is permanent
  • DHARMA is right action, knowing what to do
  • SHANTI is peace, calm and contentment
  • AHIMSA is non violence towards man and nature too
  • PREMA is love, seeing God in you
  • Loving each other no matter what we do
  • Truth and right action, peace and non violence
  • Add a little love in everything we do and say
  • Sathya and Dharma, Shanti and Ahimsa and Prema are the values we live by everyday
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  1. [Image]: #
  2. http://sssbalvikas.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Value-Song.mp3: http://sssbalvikas.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Value-Song.mp3