Collage Activity – Telugu

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Collage Activity

Collage is a form of artwork that is made by assembling different unrelated pieces to create an altogether new, finished work of art. This process brings together visual elements to explore their commonalities.

It is a very popular work of contemporary art. Contrast, repetition and layering are three principles of collage that can lead to creative magic.

Collage making emphasises Unity in Diversity, as different unrelated pieces when arranged and glued together produce a meaningful and breathtaking artwork. In the same manner, children with different abilities can do wonders when forgetting their differences, they unite to do a task.

Collage of Tiranga will be ideal, when various facts about it are explained to the children

National Flag (Paper Collage)

Based on the age, the complexity of concepts can be suggested to the students.

For example Group II students can do collage on Nature. Few samples provided below:

Activity done by Ms.M.Bhavishya
[Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas Student]

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