Guided Visualisation Method

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Guided Visualisation Method

At a young age, it is essential to control the senses, in order to stimulate concentration. Visualization is the best technique at the Group I age group. Gurus can describe the features of the deity in such a way that the form of God gets imprinted in their minds.


Sairam dear children! Let me show you, the picture of our beloved Swami.

Now, all of you look at this picture with rapt attention.

Children, now slowly close your eyes, stretch your hands in front and do not touch others.

Keep your fingers in chinmudra position and place your hands on your thighs.

Sit straight and keep your spine erect.

Take a deep breath… flush out all thoughts…..Take another deep breath.

Now, slowly visualize that you are all sitting in Sai Kulwant Hall waiting to see the beautiful form of Swami.

Look! Swami is slowly walking in front of you. His face is radiating love and light. His thick black hair surrounds His face like an aura. His bright eyes now turn to you to your side.

He looks at you now and you are overjoyed. Even though His eyes locked into your eyes only for a few seconds, it looks as if He gazed at you deeply for some time.

He smiles at you and you are beaming with love and joy. He is the embodiment of Love. He is Love walking on two legs.

His long saffron-colored robe is flowing in the wind and His soft feet are partially visible through the garment.

All of us feel blessed with this Divine Darshan of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Let us now offer this short prayer at His Lotus Feet with devotion and faith …

Oh Lord! I pray that my parents, Gurus, my relatives and friends are blessed with good health.

Oh Lord! Please help me concentrate on my studies.

Oh Lord! Let me always remember thy Lotus Feet… Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu.

Now slowly open your eyes.


Suggested questions for discussion in class after the Guided Visualisation
  1. How does Swami look like?
  2. How did you find the experience?

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