Maha Ganapate Bhajan – Related Stories

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Primacy Of Ganapati

“Once, Parvati and Parameshwara, parents of Ganapati and Subramanyam, wanted to test their intelligence. They summoned both the sons and told them to go around the worlds to find out which of the two would do quicker. The elder of the two, Ganapati, did not stir from his place. The younger son, Subramanyam, mounted his peacock and set out on the round-the-world trip. With a great deal of efforts, he completed the trip and was approaching his parents. Seeing him from a distance, Ganapati circumambulated his parents and claimed himself to be the winner. The mother, Parvati, asked Ganapati:

“Ganapati! Here is your brother who has gone round the world and you have not stirred from this place. You have made no efforts at all. How can you claim that you have gone round the*world? How can I regard you as the winner?’ Ganesha replied: ‘Mother! The cosmos is the combination of matter and energy- the unity of father and mother. When I go round you, I have gone round the world itself, as you are the parents of the cosmos. There is no place where you two are not present. I see your omnipresence. By circumambulating both of you, I can claim to have gone round the cosmos.’ The moment he uttered these words, Eeshwara (Shiva) was astonished at the high intelligence of his son. He had recognised the truth about the Divine parents. Ishwara then said: “Vinayaka! You are an exemplary son for one and all. Let the world worship you first before they offer worship to me. I am not as intelligent as you are. We are your parents, but not more intelligent than you.’ Eeshwara declared: “I have many attributes but not your intelligence. Hence, before offering worship to me, let all people worship you. This is the boon I confer on you.”

Sai Baba, SS. 10/98, pp. 255-256

Offerings Of Flowers And Green Grass To Vinayaka
“Vinayaka is pleased with an offering of flowers of no value (‘Jilledy’ flowers). It is said that anyone who eats these flowers will become insane. Such flowers are offered to Vinayaka. Vinayaka is also worshipped with an offering of green grass.”

Sai Baba, SS, 10/95. p. 256

Story On Offering Grass To Vinayaka
“In one Puranic (mythological) story, it is stated that once Shiva and Parvati were playing a game of dice. For any game, there has to be an umpire who has to declare who is winner. Shiva and Parvati agreed to have Nandi (the divine bull) as the umpire. Nandi is a favourite of Shiva, as he is a Shiva’s vehicle. Although Shiva lost the game, Nandi declared him the winner. It is stated that Parvati was indignant over Nandi’s partiality for Shiva and cursed him that he should die from an incurable disease. Thereupon, Nandi fell at the feet of Parvati and pleaded for forgiveness. ‘Mother! Forgive me. Should I not show at least this amount of gratitude to one who is my master? Is it not humiliating for me to declare that my master has lost the game? To uphold his honour, I no doubt uttered a lie. But am I to be punished with such severity for such a small offence?’ Nandi prayed for forgiveness in this manner. Parvati forgave Nandi and taught him the means to atone for his lapse. She told him, ‘The Chaturthi day in the month of Bhadrapada is the day when my son’s birthday is celebrated. On that day you have to offer to my son what pleases you most (green grass).’ This means that one atones one’s sins when one offers to the Lord what is most pleasing and enjoyable to oneself. For Nandi the most enjoyable and relishing food is green grass. As directed by Parvati, Nandi worshipped Ganapati by offering green grass. Nandi was then relieved of his dreaded disease. His health improved and, by the grace of Parvati, he was redeemed.”

Sai Baba, SS, 10/95, p. 256

Symbolic Meaning Of The Story
“This incident is the basis for the practice recommended for pilgrims to Gaya, Benaras and other places that they should give up something they love most as an offering to the Divine. This means that they should give up something which they love most and not something, which they do not like. Whether it be fruit or vegetable, what you should choose to give up as an offering to God is what you like most. This means that you give up consuming thereafter that vegetable or fruit. This practice has been prevailing from ancient times among pilgrims going to Benaras, Prayag or other sacred places for a holy bath in the Ganga or Yamuna. People should offer to give up what they relish most as the best offering to the Lord. But they offer something, which they do not like. The Lord seated in the heart declares: ‘Be it so!’ As you have not offered what is most dear to you but what you dislike most, the Lord also offers to you what you dislike most. The reward for such dubious offerings to God is that instead of health you get disease. If you offer to God what is good, will not God give you what is good for you.”

Sai Baba, SS, 10/95, p. 257

Offer To Ganesha Which Is Most Pleasing To You
“What should be offered to God are things which will please Him. This is what Parvati enjoined on Nandishwara. She told him: ‘Offer to my son what will please him and what is most pleasing to you.’ The Vinayaka festival is designed to celebrate the offerings of such pleasing things to Ganesha.” Sai Baba. SS. 9/97. p. 238

What Should You Offer To Ganesha On Ganesha Chaturthi?
“What is it that you have to offer to Vinayaka on this day of Vinayaka Chaturthi? Today people spend a lot of money in offering various fruits and preparations to God. All these offerings are made only as a ritual. Ultimately, people themselves consume them. No benefit occurs from making these offerings. Patram, Pushpam. Phalam, Toyam – these are the four things you should offer to God. Here Patram (leaf) means body. This body may wither away at any moment. So, never develop attachment towards the body; instead offer it to God. Pushpam (flower) mean Hridaya, the flower that will never fade. Mind can be compared to Phalam (fruit) and Toyam (water) stands for tears of joy. All these should be offered to God. This is the offering that God expects.”

Sai Baba,SS,10/99,p.257

Importance Of Special Offerings
“Even the offering that is made to Ganesha has great significance because it is prepared with gram flour and jaggery or pepper and enclosed in an outer covering made from flour paste and then cooked in steam without using oil. This is supposed to be a healthy and delicious food item according to the Ayurvedic system. Modem doctors also recognise the importance of such steam-cooked idlis (rice cakes), which they recommend, as postoperative diet for patients as it is easily digestible. Jaggery too has the property of controlling gas formation and this food item gives relief from eye troubles and prevents gastric troubles. In the ancient traditional mode of observing these festivals, great emphasis was laid on good health as the pre-requisite for spiritual pursuits with a healthy mind. For achieving the four goals of human life, Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth). Karma (desire) and Moksha (liberation), one should have basically a healthy body. If you want to earn wealth by righteous means and cherish desires which lead to liberation, you should have sound health.” Sai Baba, SS, 10/94, p. 265 “It is found that oil-less edibles are easily digestible. The til seeds serve to keep down the bad effects of phlegm, bile and wind in the body. The jaggery in the preparation is conducive to the improvement of the vision. All these preparations are intended to promote health and are not designed to propitiate the Divine. The energy derived from these edibles is conducive to the promotion of longevity.” Sai Baba, SS, 10/98. p. 255

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