National Flower – Lotus – Telugu

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National Flower – Lotus

National Flower- Lotus

  • Lotus (Nelumbo Nucipera Gaertn) is the National Flower of India.
  • It is a sacred flower and occupies a unique position in the art and mythology of ancient India and has been an auspicious symbol of Indian culture since time immemorial.
  • The Lotus Flower symbolizes divinity, wealth, knowledge and enlightenment.
  • Untouched by the impurity despite growing in mud, the flower is also meant to symbolize the purity of heart and mind.
  • Similarly the spiritual mind has to endure all adversities with a smile. Lotus represents detachment. The water touches it but cannot make it wet.
Suggested Group Activities:
  1. Make a field visit to the nearby lotus pond and enjoy the divinity in the creation of lotus.
  2. As a Group discuss the benefits of lotus flower, stem, and leaves for the human society (for example, wick – out of stem, leaves for eating and packing food, and edibleness of the center portion of the flower) and make an album.
  3. Enact stories like Gajendra Moksha, Lord Guruvaurappan and enjoy.

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