Om Tat Sat Game – Telugu

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Om Tat Sat


This unique game enables the children to recall and appreciate the underlying common features in different faiths that emphasize the importance of Unity of all the religions.

Related Values:
  • Memory
  • Tolerance
  • Brotherhood
  • Appreciation
  • Team Spirit
  • Listening /learning Sarva Dharma Bhajans
Materials Required:
  1. Set A – Four cards, each depicting one religious symbols
  2. Set B – Each card of Set B will have a mix of few concepts related to the four religions.
  3. Example: One card can have Bible, Diwali, Mecca, Guru Nanak. Another card can have Eid –Al- Fitr, Bhagwad Gita, Jesus Christ, the Golden Temple. The other cards can have similar words pertaining to the four Religions.
Preparatory Work for the Guru:

The Guru prepares, the above two sets of cards and also a checklist of all the words used on the Set B cards for each Religion as a copy for his/her reference.

Note:The number of words can vary in each card depending upon the number of children playing the game.

How to Play
  1. The Guru asks the children to form a circle.
  2. The Guru will keep the Set A cards with her/him.
  3. Set B cards are shuffled and all of them are distributed to the children equally.
  4. Children move around in the circle (music of Om Tat Sat or Sarva Dharma bhajans can be played)
  5. When the music stops, they stop moving and the Guru shows one of her cards which will have one Religious symbol to them.
  6. For example if the card has the symbol Cross(✝) – The children look into their cards and read out the word related to Christianity.(Example: Bible, Apostles, Church etc.,)
  7. Next each child has to say a sentence about the word that he has (Example: Bible – Holy Book of Christians). Extra points can be given for this to encourage children.
  8. The Guru refers to her checklist to see if any related word has been left out.(For instance, a child having the card saying ‘Apostles’ may not be knowing what it means). The Guru can help out by explaining the word.
  9. Once Christianity is done, similar procedure is followed for the other three religions.

For Group II:

  1. Set A cards include six or seven religious symbols. The set B cards will have a mix of few concepts related to all these Religions. There will be no change in the way the Game is played.
  2. Instead of Religions, the Set A cards (each) will have the words like Festival, Founders/Saints, Holy places, Holy books, Place of worship etc.,
  3. The Set B cards (each) will have names of the Festival, Holy books etc. Each card will have one name – either name of a Holy book or Festival etc.,
  4. When the Guru calls out – Holy books, children will show the matching cards from all the religions.

This activity enables them to understand the underlying unity of all religions – “Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man”

Gurus can highlight Swami’s Teaching that “All Faiths lead us to the one God who is the embodiment of Love. We should respect all Religions. This is the Sai Path.

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