Sound of Music – Telugu

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Sound of Music

Objective :

Instrumental music has universal appeal, as it transcends languages and regions. Research has shown that music has a profound effect on our body and mind. Music therapy is used to calm the mind and to elevate the mood.

In India, music, particularly Instrumental is often connected to spirituality as most of the Hindu deities from Indian mythology are associated with some musical instrument

Children are familiar with the images of Gods and Goddesses about whom they have been learning in Balvikas classes. Sound of Music is an exciting group activity that requires them to recall and relate (match) the musical instruments with the Divine Forms.

Related Values :
  • Observation
  • Memory
  • Discrimination
Materials Required;

Music – to play

Preparatory Work for the Guru:

The Guru is required to keep ready the audio in which the sounds of the 6 musical instruments given below are recorded.

  • Shiva – Damaru
  • Vishnu – Conch
  • Krishna – Flute
  • Saraswati – Veena
  • Narad – Kartaal
  • Nandi – Mridangam
How to Play
  1. Children are made to sit in pairs.
  2. The Guru gives a slip bearing the name/picture of an instrument, to each pair.
  3. The guru plays the audio of that instrument.(Example: Damru)
  4. Children are asked to identify the Deity who is associated with it, guided by the clue (i.e sound of Damaru)
    (Answer -Lord Shiva)
  5. In this manner, they are asked to identify the remaining divine forms with the aid of the audio.
  6. Marks are awarded to each correct answer.
  7. The pair that is able to answer the maximum number of questions is the winner!!
  8. Alternatively, to make the game a bit more challenging, the clue (picture card of the instrument) need not be given to the children. They have to listen to the sound of the instrument and identify the Deity who plays that instrument.

Matching the Consorts, Vahanas, temples with deities.

Tips to Gurus:

To make the learning more effective, the Gurus can teach the following concepts to the children.

  1. Importance of sound vibrations – Nadabrahmam
  2. Inner significance of the instruments; Flute – Hollow and Egoless; Shankh – Blown on auspicious occasions and before the commencement of the wars.
  3. Names of conches: Krishna – Panchajanya; Arjuna – Devadutta.
  4. Categories of musical instruments (String, Wind, Percussion)
  5. Use of instruments during our bhajans adds to the rhythm, elevates our mood.
  6. Names of famous instrumentalists (H.P.Chaurasia & others)
  7. Group discussions on the above topics will make the class more lively and enable children to relate to the instruments and deities easily.

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