Likhita Japa

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Likhita Japa

“Likhita Japam is a form of spiritual exercise in which one is engaged in writing the name of the Lord.” “Likhita” in Sanskrit means “writing” and “Japa” means “Repeat the name”. So, ‘Likhita Japa’ means ‘Repeatedly writing the name’.

How to do ‘Likhita Japam’?

Take some time off your daily routine and sit down in a quiet place or in front of the Altar of the God. Close your eyes for a few moments. Take a deep breath and think of the Lord. Then open your eyes and start writing HIS divine name repeatedly, say Ram, Ram, Ram, or Om Sai Ram, or Krishna, etc. The idea is to think of the Lord and write HIS name while chanting the same name loudly too. Your Mind, Speech and Hands would be sanctified straight away Swami emphasised, “The unity of mind, speech and action would produce purity in thoughts, words and deeds. Any spiritual exercise like Likhita Japam should be done whole-heartedly. Only then it becomes sanctified and Godly.”

Swami further emphasised, “Today people write the names (of the Lord) without thinking aloud the name of the Lord in their minds and uttering the names with their mouths. As you start writing the Name, you must first reflect on the Name in the mind, utter the Name by the mouth, and then write the Name with your hand. This is Likhita Japa, the penance of writing the Lord’s name.”

[Sanathana Sarathi, August,1995]

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