Who is ‘Radha?’-bn

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Radha is anyone who Surrenders to the Lord

Bhagawan says said, “When you can surrender your actions and thoughts to Krishna, you will have reached the stage of Radha. Therefore, the word ‘Radha’ does not refer only to a woman. We should understand that anyone who surrenders himself to Krishna will become Radha.

Radha teaches that not only should you fill your head with knowledge and wisdom, but you should also fill your heart with intense love. She teaches us that it is better to fill the heart with love rather than the head with knowledge. Radha is telling us that we should find diversity in divinity, which is really universal. Radha is telling us that we should surrender our sensory organs to Krishna. Otherwise, they will take you along the wrong path.

Radha is telling us that we should not believe in the transient and impermanent world. We should fix our attention on the permanent aspect of the Lord. She has been telling us that we should not believe in the world, should not fear death and should not forget God. Radha is one who has given these three main injunctions.

Radha is telling us that we should, at all times, and in all the gunas, enjoy the bliss of the Lord. Radha is telling us that we should get rid of jealousy, particularly when we see others prosper. Radha was one who cleared the suspicions of the other Gopikas and made them give up jealousy.”

[Source: http://sssbpt.info/summershowers/ss1978/ss1978-23.pdf]

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