Love all creatures
The teacher reads the exercise slowly, pausing at the dots…
If you wish you can play soft music in the background.
Firstly, sit in a comfortable position on your chairs, or cross legged on the floor. Make sure your back is straight and head upright. Take a deep breath and relax as you breathe out. Close your eyes, or if you are uncomfortable with that, look down at the floor. Take another deep breath….and another……
Imagine you are walking in the countryside…
It is very beautiful and the sun is shining …
You see a big tree and decide to sit down in its cool shade …
Look, there is a baby rabbit nibbling grass….
And in that tree over there is a squirrel …
In the distance are some deer grazing ….
Lots of creatures live in the countryside and you are happy watching them…
If you keep very still and quiet they will come quite close to you…
Just let them eat and play…
Don’t try to catch one to take home… because living in the wild is their home…
They are happy … and you are happy too… (longer pause)
When you hear my small bell tinkle, slowly open your eyes, look at the person sitting next to you and smile.
(To help the children with their concentration the next time they do this exercise)
- What did you see?
- How did you feel?
[Reference : Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, A Curriculum for the Development of Character and Emotional Literacy by Carole Alderman]