- Ganesha Sharanam Parama Paavanam Sathya Saayinam Gajaananam
- Nithya Smaranam Parama Paavanam Sathya Saayinam Gajaananam
- Sadguru Charanam Parama Paavanam Sathya Saayinam Gajaananam
- Bhava Bhaya Haranam Parama Paavanam Sathya Saayinam Gajaananam
Ganesha Sharanam Parama Paavanam-kn
Let us bow in reverence to Lord Ganesha, Lets bow in absolute purity to the name of Sai, to the elephant faced Ganesha Constantly remember the purifying name of Sai, Remember Lord Ganesha, the elephant-faced one. The sacred feet of Sadguru are purifying, so is the name of Sai and Ganesha. All the fears of the cycle of birth and death are removed by the remembrance of the name of Sai and Ganesha, the elephant faced Lord.
Ganesha Sharanam Parama Paavanam Sathya Saayinam Gajaananam | We surrender to Thee O Lord Sathya Sai, who also assumes the form of the elephant-faced Lord Ganesha, You are the Supremely Purifying and Auspicious One. |
Nithya Smaranam Parama Paavanam Sathya Saayinam Gajaananam | Every moment we constantly remember You, the Supremely Purifying One, Lord Sai who is verily Lord Ganesha Himself. |
Sadguru Charanam Parama Paavanam Sathya Saayinam Gajaananam | We bow reverentially at the redeeming feet of the Supreme Preceptor Lord Sai who is verily Lord Ganesha Himself. |
Bhava Bhaya Haranam Parama Paavanam Sathya Saayinam Gajaananam | You are the One, Lord Sai Ganesha who destroys the fears of our worldly existence and fills us with purity and auspiciousness. |
Raga: largely based on Sindhu Bhairavi
Sruthi: D (Pancham)
Beat (Tala): Keherwa or Adi Taalam – 8 Beat
Indian Notation

Western Notation

Adopted from : https://archive.sssmediacentre.org/journals/vol_12/01JAN14/bhajan-tutor-Prem-Ganesha-Sharanam.htm