- Hara Hara Shankara Samba Sadashiva Eesha Mahesha
- Tandava Priyakara Chandrakaladhara Eesha Mahesha
- Amba Guha Lambodara Vandita Eesha Mahesha
- Tunga Himachala Shringa Nivasita Eesha Mahesha
Hara Hara Shankara-kn
Chant the many names of the Lord: Shankara, Samba Sadashiva and Mahesha. Oh Lord Mahesha! You are fond of Tandava Dance (cosmic dance). You are adorned with the Moon as decoration on Your forehead. You are worshiped by the darling son of Mother Amba – Lord Ganesh, the one with a pot belly. You are the resident of the Himalayas. By Chanting the above divine names, the Lord destroys evil and grants protection.
Hara Hara Shankara Samba Sadashiva Eesha Mahesha | O Lord Shiva! The Supreme Lord of Lords! You are the Eternally Auspicious One, the Remover of Doubts and the Master of Nature, the Source of All Goodness and Prosperity. |
Tandava Priyakara Chandrakaladhara Eesha Mahesha | O Lord Shiva! You are the Master Dancer and Cosmic Orchestrator who delights in setting all the universes into motion and maintains their perfect balance and rhythm. You are the One who bears the crescent moon on His head, the One who is ever calm and serene. You are the Master who rules time! |
Amba Guha Lambodara Vandita Eesha Mahesha | O Supreme Lord Shiva! You are the One who is worshipped by Mother Parvathi as well as by Lord Subrahmanya and Lord Ganesha. You are the Lord Almighty! |
Tunga Himachala Shringa Nivasita Eesha Mahesha | O Lord Shiva! You are the Purest One residing in hearts which are as pure and steady as the Himalayas. You are the One who can be envisaged in the depths of silence within our hearts. |
Raga: Largely based on Darbari Kanada
Sruthi: C# (Pancham)
Beat (Tala): Keherwa or Adi Taalam – 8 Beat
Indian Notation

Western Notation

Adopted from : https://archive.sssmediacentre.org/journals/vol_12/01FEB14/Hara-Hara-Shankara-Samba-Sadashiva-Eesha-Mahesha-bhajan-tutor-february.htm