- Shiva (4) Shirdipureeshwara Shambho Shankara Samba Shivom
- Bhavahara Purahara Puttapartheeshwara Shambho Shankara Sadashivom
- Om Shiva (4) Shirdipureeshwara Shambho Shankara Samba Shivom
- Kailasachala Bala Shiva Kalakootadhara Bala Shiva
- Keleelalasa Bala Shiva Leela Tandava Bala Shiva
Shiva (4) Shirdipureeshwara-kn
Oh! Lord of Shridi, we worship you as Shiva, Parameshwara, Shambo, Shankara, Sai Shiva. You are the remover of fear and worldly misery, Your abode is Kailasa and you are a great dancer of Tandava (The celestial Dance)
Shiva (4) Shirdipureeshwara Shambho Shankara Samba Shivom | O Ever-auspicious Lord Shiva, You are the One who incarnated as Shirdi Sai! You are the One who confers on us lasting peace and bliss. You are the One who echoes and resounds in every speck of creation. |
Bhavahara Purahara Puttapartheeshwara Shambho Shankara Sadashivom | O Lord Shiva, You are indeed the Lord of Puttaparthi! You are the One who destroys our ego and the fear of worldly life and confers on us bliss. You are the Supreme One who resonates everywhere in the cosmos. |
Om Shiva (4) Shirdipureeshwara Shambho Shankara Samba Shivom | O Ever-auspicious Lord Shiva, You are the One who incarnated as Shirdi Sai! You are the One who confers on us lasting peace and bliss. You are the One who echoes and resounds in every speck of creation. |
Kailasachala Bala Shiva Kalakootadhara Bala Shiva | O Lord Shiva! You shine brilliantly in a child-like pure heart. You are the One who drank up the deadly Kalakoota poison to save entire humanity, the One who continues to undertake several pains only for our welfare. |
Keleelalasa Bala Shiva Leela Tandava Bala Shiva | O Mesmerising Lord Shiva! You are the One who delights the whole cosmos with Your Cosmic dance of Tandava. |
Raga: Madhyamavati (Carnatic), Madhumad Sarang (Hindustani)
Sruthi: A (Pancham)
Beat (Tala): Keherwa or Adi Taalam – 8 Beat
Indian Notation

Western Notation

Adopted from : https://archive.sssmediacentre.org/journals/vol_13/01FEB15/bhajan-tutor-Shirdipureeshwara.htm