Avvaiyar -a scene from Avvai
Scene – a wood – an old woman with a stick in her hand enters:
My legs are paining. Fast have I walked
And a weary distance journeyed. I tell you verily unto you; Dharma is the relief of distress;
Artha is what you acquire avoiding Sin. There are only two castes.
One, the good men, who help the poor in distress,
The other that will not so help. They are the low born,
And these are the true high caste. All religions say but this: Do good. Refrain from evil. The good you did in your past lives Is the wealth you have now. Therefore, sin not. Do good.
The face without vibhuti is wretched. Vataraj said come tomorrow. Vataraj said come later.
Etaraj said I can give nothing to you. Now, listen to the truth. What Etaraj said straightaway is sweeter than the ‘later’ and ‘tomorrow’.
Role Play Avvai sits on a stone under a tree. She hears some noise from above. (Looking up, she sees a cow boy on the tree.)Avvai:– “My little fellow, will you give me a fruit?” Murugan: – “Oh yes, certainly grandma. But, tell me, do you want a hot fruit or a cold one?”
Avvai:– (aside) – “What is this! This fellow is pulling my leg. Let me see, well. Give me a hot fruit.” (The boy threw some ripe fruits on the sandy soil below Avvai picks them up and blows off the sand grains with her mouth.) Murugan.: – “Grandma, take care. Blow well. It is hot. It will scald your throat.” Avvai:– “Oh Lord, am I to be thus humbled by a mere shepherd boy?” Murugan:– “Grandma, do not fret. Haven’t you recognised me? Look! I am your…” Avvai:– “Oh, Lord… Oh, Muruga.” Murugan:– “We desired to talk to you. You are famous for your wit. Will you answer a few questions?” Avvai:– “With pleasure.” Muguran:– “What is hard?” Avvai:- “Poverty is hard. Poverty in young age is harder. Harder still is a disease.”
Murugan:- “What is Sweet?” Avvai:- “Solitude. Sweeter is the worship of this Lord. Sweeter still is the company of Godly men.” Murugan:- “What is Great?”
Avvai:- “The world is Big. Brahma, the creator is bigger. He was born of the navel of Vishnu, Who sleeps on the Ocean of milk. Agastya is greater, for he drank all the ocean. He was born of the pot of clay – made of earth, carried by Adisesha the serpent. This serpent is a ring for the little finger of Mother Parvati, Who is a part and parcel of Siva. And where is Siva? He is imprisoned in the heart of a devotee. So, the greatness of a devotee is indescribable.” Murugan:- “One more question. What is rare?” Avvai:- “Human Birth.” Murugan:- “Well answered. Who else can give such answers, except the wise Avvai?” (He blesses her with an enchanting vision. Avvai kneels down, smiles, and sings a beautiful hymn in praise of her beloved Lord Murugan) (The curtain falls)
Questions :
- Who is Murugan?
- How does he appear to Avvai? Were the fruits really hot?
- Give examples to prove Avvai’s wisdom.
[Illustrations by M. Sai Eswaran, Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas Student.]
[Source: Stories for Children II, Published by Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications, PN]