Clarion Call – kn

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Clarion Call


An exciting activity that helps children overcome hesitation and shyness and facilitates effortless mingling by bonding with their peer group.

Related Values:
  • Self-confidence
  • Team Bonding
  • Being Friendly with others
Materials Required:

Music (optional)

Preparatory work for the Guru:


How to Play
  1. The Guru asks the children to hold hands and move in a circle while the music is being played in the background.
  2. Then she calls out a number, for example:3, then the children should form clusters of 3 with each other holding hands.
  3. If the number is 5, the children have to form clusters of 5 each.
  4. It can be made more interesting by adding numbers like half and quarter also. To denote half, a child has to bend and to denote quarter the child has to sit on the ground. (Example: with 9 children, if the Guru wants the number 8+1/4 then the children should form a cluster of eight standing and the ninth child sitting on the ground 1/4).
Tips to Gurus:
  • This game is in the nature of an icebreaker. Sometimes the Guru finds that some children do not mix up with their peer group so easily and are comfortable only with a friend or two. This game can help such children to befriend others easily.
  • Hence to achieve this purpose, it is important that while forming the circle, the Guru should see to it that the children should be positioned at random and not with their favourite friends.

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