Hold on to the Value-kn

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Hold on to the Value


A great game for concentration, this activity improves memory, targeting, sustained visual attention and focusing skills. The hidden message of this activity is that children should not give up their effort in pursuing a good value and must adhere to it whatever hardships come in their way.

Related Values:
  • Concentration
  • Attentiveness
  • Determination
Materials Required:
  • 3 identical plastic cups
  • A ping pong ball with a human value written on it (say, TRUTH)
  • A table
Preparatory work for the Guru:


How to play
  1. The Guru divides the class into two groups and explains the game to her class.
  2. Next, she invites a child from a group. The child inverts the three identical plastic cups and places them rim down, in a row. He places the ping pong value-ball under one of the three cups, making sure that the rest of the class is watching and knows which cup it is under.
  3. He shuffles the cups around by sliding them across the table switching their positions quickly back and forth and all around for a while after which he stops and puts the cups back in a row.
  4. Group B has to identify as to which cup the value ball is now under.
  5. Whoever answers correctly from group B, is the winner.
  6. Now, it is his turn to move the cups around and Group A has to identify the cup with the ball.
Tips to the Gurus
  • Gurus can narrate the stories of Prahalad and Harishchandra who, in spite of facing problems and obstacles still adhered to their cherished values!!

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