Power of thought, word and deed; Dhruva story – Sathya Sai Speaks – Kannada

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Om Namo Bhagawate – Further Reading

Power of thought, word and deed; Dhruva story – Sathya Sai Speaks

The character of Dhruva in Maha Bhagavata is familiar to all of you. He is a five year old boy who does not have any worldly knowledge. By his mere strong faith instilled by his mother and strengthened by the Divine sage Narada he went to the forest and did serious penance for seeing God.

We have to have faith in elders’ words. Dhruva’s faith in the divine sage Narada has resulted in his having the vision of God. But he is a child. When Lord Vishnu appeared before him and asked what does he want, he said” Oh Lord! You could know where I am and you came to this thick forest. Do you not know what I want?

God is not unwise. He is the wisest of the wise. God said ‘I know where you are and what your wish is. But I have a definite method. The proper study of mankind is man. Thought, word and action should be in conformity. Only then I can fulfill your desire.’

You at your home said that you would pray and ask God to bless you so that you can sit in your father’s lap. Accordingly, you did penance. But you are not asking for what you thought first. I need to put you through the test to confirm what you are aspiring for.

Dhruva said “Oh Lord! My original wish is like asking for a valueless glass piece. But the vision of yours is like a diamond. How fortunate I am to get a diamond while searching for a glass piece! So I do not want a glass piece”. God said “In your thought, word and deed, two are on the same line but you’re asking (word) is different. OK two in majority are same. So I give you the boon to go and rule the kingdom”.

For everything, God sees the unity in thought word and deed. Otherwise, He does not like it. See! Even after doing such a rigorous penance and getting the vision of Lord Vishnu Dhruva could not obtain liberation. This is because of his word being different than thought and action. So, speech is to be used very carefully.

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