Sense of Touch-Stone(hard)-kn

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Sense of Touch – Stone (Hard)

Now, we move on to the fourth sense – the sense of touch.

Sit straight and breathe in and breathe out!

My dear children!

Touch and feel the tiles in the ground. Now slowly close your eyes.

You are comfortably seated in your home. Suddenly you hear a jarring sound of a machine operating nearby. You peep out through the window and see that many people are working in the hot sun. The road is being laid. With a feeling of excitement you get into the streets and see what is happening. Big stones are laid down as the first step. You pick up one stone and feel it. It is hard, sharp, and hot too.

Stones are used for various purposes. For instance, stones are chiselled, carved, and polished to make beautiful statues; They are crushed and used for construction; etc. Even the most precious stone, the diamond, undergoes several processes to become beautiful. It is cut, smoothed and polished. Remember, only after going through several hardships does it become beautiful and valuable.

Just like a stone that is hard, so is life, as it passes through various struggles. But, in the end, it becomes a beautiful final product. You face hardships when you take efforts to study well, serve your parents and the society. When you behave well and keep away from bad company, you stand like a glowing diamond stone.

Be hard and sturdy like the stone, be useful to the society: “Love all Serve all”. Now slowly open your eyes.

  1. What are the uses of a stone?
  2. How can you be useful to the family?

[Source: Silence to Sai-lens- A Handbook for Children, Parents and Teachers by Chithra Narayan & Gayeetree Ramchurn Samboo MSK- A Institute of Sathya Sai Education – Mauritius Publications]

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