Health & Hygiene – Q & A

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Synthesis Of Major Religions – Q & A

  1. How does WHO define Health?
    ANS: The World Health Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical mental and social well-being.”
  2. _________ are the cause of many of the diseases
    ANS: Germs (micro-organisms)
  3. What is the lesson taught by the tongue to us?
    ANS: The tongue moves itself in the mouth, between the sharp jaws of teeth, but always playing safe and without getting hurt. It thus teaches us how we should conduct ourselves amidst all types of forces in the society and the world
  4. What is Ahara?
    ANS: Ahara does not mean only the food we take through the mouth, it covers all that we receive in ourselves through our senses.
  5. What is Prasad?
    ANS: Food, taken after offering it to God becomes Prasad, and nourishes the body and mind, as well as the spirit.
  6. What is a well balanced diet?
    ANS: A well balanced diet should contain all the essential components or food factors; ie:
    proteins for body-building purposes, to the extent of 10-15%
    carbohydrates as fuel or energy providers, to the extent of 10-15% and
    fats to the extent of 25%
    In addition the body also needs
    Vitamins (A, B-Complex, C & D etc)
    Minerals (Phosphorous, Manganese, Calcium, Iron etc)
  7. What is Satwic food?
    ANS: Vegetarian food (That which does not inflame our emotions & passions and that which does not induce sloth and sleep)
  8. What is rest?
    ANS: Rest does not mean abstention from work or one’s occupation; only a little change from what one is doing (routine work) is said to be rest
  9. ______ is the biggest cause of illness; faith in God & devotional practices uproot this from one’s mind.
    ANS: Fear
  10. How does Baba differentiate between a Yogi, Bhogi and a Rogi?
    ANS: Two meals a day make one a Bhogi, a single meal a day makes one a Yogi and Three meals a day make one a Rogi(patient), says Baba.
  11. Doing ______________ while bathing, not only purifies the body but also the soul
    ANS: Namasmarana
  12. Complete the saying: A sound body houses_______________________
    ANS: A sound body houses a sound mind and a sound mind ensures a sound body

Ref : Direct Questions From the Book – The Path Divine – Pages 103-110

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