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Some of the salient features of this religion are briefly described below: –

The Jewish Bible, the Old Testament starts with the story of the first Man Adam and all his descendants. According to the Old Testament, Man was created one in order that no man should say to another, “My Father was greater than yours.” Judaism stresses on the equality of all men.

It is a Monotheistic religion, that is, it believes that God is one. He is the creator and source of all righteousness. The Jews were in bondage in Egypt under the Pharaohs (Egyptian kings). They were subjected to physical abuse and humiliation. Once Moses had gone up to Mount Sinai to check on a bush which kept burning, but did not burn itself out. There he heard the voice of God calling out to him and telling him to lead the Jews out of bondage to a land “flowing with milk and honey”. Moses asked God his name. God replied, “I am who I am”. After much difficulty, the Jews managed to escape from Egypt. Months later, they reached Mount Sinai. Moses went up the mountain where he heard God’s voice calling out to him. God inscribed the Ten Commandments in 2 slabs of stone and handed them over to Moses.

The Ten Commandments are:
  1. I am the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
  2. You will not worship any other God nor make any idol or image of anything that is in heaven above, earth beneath or in water beneath the earth.
  3. You will shower mercy on those who love God and obey his commandments.
  4. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.
  5. You shall work hard for six days. The seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord, thy God (Rest for humans, animals and all).
  6. Honour your Mother and Father. Obey this command of the Lord and you will live long.
  7. You should not kill anyone.
  8. You should not cheat anyone.
  9. You should not steal.
  10. You should not bear false witness against your neighbour and also you will not desire to have your neighbour’s possessions.

When Moses returned with the Commandments after many days, he was pained to see the people worshipping an idol. So he threw the slabs at them and they broke. The people realized their mistake. Once again he begged God to give him the lost Commandments and God granted his wish. He taught them the Ten Commandments, united them and regenerated them morally. They crossed the Red Sea and as Israel came into view Moses breathed his last. Moses’s disciple Joshua led them to Israel, their native land.

Later Tohrah – a book was compiled putting together Jewish laws and disciplines. Later on it was further enlarged into a book called Talmud. The Jews believe in

  1. The advent of a Messiah (a divine person who comes down as the saviour of the people).
  2. The idea of chosen people who are entrusted with the work of carrying out the will of the Lord and
  3. The laws contained in the Torah.

Judaism also believes that God is the judge, a hard taskmaster and anyone who disobeys the laws would be severely punished. The Hebrews do not believe in idol worship. Their place of worship is called Synagogue. The Jewish spiritual leaders are called Rabbi.

They say that God is above all, eternal and can never change or decay and so it is wrong to represent him in any form of any shape with perishable materials.

The great commandments of the Jews are:

  1. Love your neighbour as you love yourself
  2. Let there be no hatred in your heart for your brother.
Symbol of Judaism

The symbol of the Jewish people is the Magen David also known as the Star of David.

The Menorah is one of the oldest symbols of the Jewish faith and is believed to represent the burning bush.

Main Jewsih Festivals

Passover is the time when Jewish people remember how the children of Israel left slavery behind them when they left Egypt. It is a major eight-day festival.

Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year.

Hanukkah – It is the Jewish festival of lights.

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