The call of Sai - Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas

The call of Sai

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The call of Sai

Hear the clarion call of Sai. Awake! Arise! Realize your Oneness with Allah. Sai Baba has come to lead us to the sublime heights of Islam. Sai Baba has come to take us to that complete surrender to the Will of Allah. Sai Baba has come to teach us the art of “Die-mind” whereby it is not possible to create images of that which has truly, in its essence, cannot be confined to an image.

Many devout muslims who have recognized the resonance of the Islamic wisdom in the teaching of Sathya Sai Baba believe that now is the time to come to terms with ourselves by the signs of God which we have been witnesses:

Say He is Allah, the One and Only. Say He is Allah, the Absolute Eternal. Say He is Allah, He begets not nor is begotten. Say He is Allah, there is nothing like Him. Say He is Allah, He says, “Be” and it is!

Not only this! Sai Baba leads devotees world over to an experiential awareness of the Oneness of Allah; to a lived example of His Omnipresence; and to the pragmatic import of His Omnipotence.

Based on their first-hand experiences and the revelations they have received, they strongly believe and urge others to adhere to the call of Sai:

Here is yet another experience of Professor Abdul Razak Baburao Korbu who is one of the witnesses to these signs of God.

Say He is Allah Who Holds the Heavens and Earth in One Finger and Who says ‘Be’ and It Is


Sai Baba called me for an interview. Within the interview room, beloved Swami put a question to me which captured me fully:

Baba: “I know that you have faith in Me, but you do not believe in My power with which I create articles. is it not so?”

I could not think of anything to say. In a way, I was happy that finally this topic has surfaced as I was still not fully satisfied on this account. I wanted to see and experience it myself. During the past five years, I spoke of Baba and about Baba to scientists, doctors and other learned persons.

I could not answer their questions on creation of objects from sheer Will. I felt it maybe because I did not experience it or I had no adequate knowledge about it due to my half-hearted efforts.

Abdul: “Forgive me, Baba. It is so.”

Baba: “Your absence of belief in my power of creation is genuine and inquisitive also. I like your frankness and love you. It is very good that you do not take anything for granted. Your faith in Me is not blind; very good. Now I am telling you to ask Me for anything and I shall give it to you here and now. Take your time and ask for anything you desire.”

Now I had a break. I had seen a number of objects created by Baba and handled them also. I was convinced about the genuineness of the articles, but I was not sure whether Baba Himself created them. After thinking for a while, knowing very well that there were very few Muslims among Baba’s devotees, I decided to ask for an impossible article no one has seen so far!

Abdul: “Baba, please give me such a thing which embodies in it the entire Universe and only my own religion is shown on it.”

Baba: (With a sweet smile) “Abdul, do you really think that you have put an impossible request before Me?”

Without a reply, I kept on staring at Baba.

Baba: “Look at My Palm. Do you see anything in it? Nothing is in My palm or behind it. You can verify it.”

Baba turned His Palm upside down, His cape was above the elbow. I could not dare to hold His hand. Then Baba caught my wrist forcefully and moved my palm from around His palm to His elbow.

Baba: “Now, go on looking at the centre of My palm for some time.”

The revealing ring materialised by Swami for Abdul within seven to eight seconds, the skin in the centre of His palm opened up and I saw a round large sized object coming out of it, soon the skin became normal as before and there was a beautiful luminous ring there.

Baba: (In Hindi) “You pick it up and give it in My hand. Before that have a careful look at it.”

As ordered by Baba, I picked up the ring and inspected it very carefully. It had a crescent moon and a star engraved in gold. I put it back in Baba’s palm.


Abdul: “Baba, I cannot understand anything about this ring. Please explain.”

Baba: “You are only born as a Muslim. You do not understand anything about Islam.”

That was the truth. I am not a religious person in the true sense.

Baba: “I have made this gold ring in Asta konas (Octangular), embedded Nava-ratnas (nine gems), both represent the Universe, and in the middle of the navaratnas I have put the Islamic symbol of the star and crescent in emeralds (green gem stones.)”

Abdul: “Baba, where is the Muslim religion on this ring?”

Baba: “Look at these green stones. That is your religion. Now I will put this ring on the fourth finger of your left hand as your right hand finger is disfigured.”

With this talk, Baba put the heavy ring on the said finger. Ah! It fitted perfectly. I bowed down again at His feet, now with plenty of tears. After a few minutes, I followed Baba to the outer chamber. Baba told the nine foreigners, who were waiting in there, about the ring and described me as “My naughty devotee?”

I came to the outer veranda. The fourth finger of my left hand became heavy with the ring which had a heavy sparkling beauty.

Prof. Kasturi’s attention was drawn to it at first. He raised my palm, examined the ring minutely and exclaimed, “I have never seen such a beautiful creation by Swami so far! These are navaratnas (The Nine Universes). But what is this in the middle green portion of the ring? Is it Aum?”

Dr. V. K. Gokak, who also examined it, said, “It is not Aum certainly. Whatever it may be, this ring is an exquisite beauty. I am also witnessing such a creation by Swami for the first time.” A few other devotees also saw this ring and touched it to their foreheads and eyes.

I had almost lost my speech, finding it difficult to utter even a single word. As I came into the Darshan hall, a very large number of devotees surrounded me, amongst them were many foreigners.

One of them was a bearded American devotee. He came near me saw the ring closely, took my hand with the ring, put it on his chest and said, “All Hum do Allah!” (Oh! God, your pastime is fathomless).

I was astonished by this and asked him to tell me more. He answered, “I am a Muslim. The ring reveals that you too are a Muslim.” I asked him again, “How did you make this out?”. He said, “Can you read Arabic?” When I answered in the negative, he clarified, “It is inscribed in the middle all in green.” I further asked, “What is the meaning of the inscription?” He answered: “It is ‘Allah’ in Arabic.”

At that time I came to know that Baba has inscribed the word “Allah” in the centre of the green emerald stone. I had asked Baba for my religion, and Baba blessed me in this wonderful manner! Who else but Allah that can Say, ‘Be’ and It is! To Him we bow down in worship.

He declares:

I have not come to speak on behalf of any particular religion. I have not come on any mission of publicity for any sect or creed or cause; nor have I come to collect followers for any doctrine. I have no plan to attract disciples or devotees into My fold or any fold. I have come to tell you of this Universal unitary faith, this Atmic principle (principle of the Oneness), this path of love, this Dharma of Prema (nature of love), this duty of love, this obligation to love.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba “Each should practice his own religion sincerely. A Christian should be a good Christian. A Hindu should be a good Hindu. A Muslim should be a good Muslim. Let each one be a true practitioner of his religion” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba

“Each should practice his own religion sincerely. A Christian should be a good Christian. A Hindu should be a good Hindu. A Muslim should be a good Muslim. Let each one be a true practitioner of his religion” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba



“All who in a spirit of surrender and dedication, live in peace and harmony in society, do really speaking, belong to Islam. Because Islam means surrender to God.”

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