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Fire (2)


The Teacher will relate an incident of a picnic. Once, the students of a primary school went on a picnic with their teachers. They carried all materials for cooking, like rice, dal, vegetables and firewood. They held their camp near a hilly stream. After reaching the spot they began arranging all the materials for cooking their food. Unfortunately their cooking could not be started. Something was found missing. What was that? It was the matchbox. There was no other source of fire to burn the firewood.

  1. Who created the sun?
  2. Besides cooking in what other ways does fire help the people?
  3. When do you need light?
  4. How do you get the light in day time?
  5. What else does the sun give to the world?

Fire, Fire burning bright
In the midst of gloomy night
Light is life and darkness death
Gives us energy, light and mirth.

From womb to tomb, fire is friend
Fulfills all the needs till the end
In summer, we feel the scorching heat,
For winter it is a pleasant gift.

Lighter than water spreads everywhere
Purity is its basic nature.

Group Activity:

Questions are given below for discussions. Teacher can divide the class into groups and give each group a question. They can list the answers. One pupil can make a presentation. Displays can be made for effectiveness.

  1. What sources of light do we use?
  2. What do we burn in fire? Why?
  3. What things are purified in fire?
Silent Sitting:

Children! The day dawns and you rise early from bed and do the morning prayers. Go out and salute the rising red round sun coming up in the eastern horizon. Visualize the sun as light dispelling the darkness of the night and spreading everywhere; you feel the soothing warmth of the morning sun. Then you take your bath and clean your clothing in warm water and let your wet dresses be dried up in sun and air. For the entire day the sun God has given light, heat and energy. Then mother serves you hot tiffin cooked on fire. Then, the sweeper comes and collects the waste materials at one place, sets fire to it to make your surrounding clean and pure. The sun then rises over head. You enjoy your delicious lunch cooked by mother with the help of fire. Evening comes; you get light of the moon. All the lights of your house then must be on to help you do your activity. Your mother lights up the sacred lamp at your shrine room for prayer. Incense fire is also lit up to provide fragrance.


“Asato ma Sadgamaya
Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya
Mruthyorma Amrutam gamaya.
Om Shanthi: Shanthi: Shanthi:”

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