AUM Chanting-lmr

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AUM Chanting

Start the class with three Omkar chantings. Correct way of pronouncing can be practiced by giving an example of the aeroplane. All the three Omkaras are to be said together and ended together. There must be a pause in between the Omkars. Initially, the Guru will chant the Omkar and the children will repeat it.

Significance of Omkar:

In the beginning there was only the Nirakar, Nirguna Brahman. It was of the nature of Eternal, Blissful, Consciousness. At some moment of time, It made a Sankalp, a resolve, ‘Ekoham Bahusyam‘-I am One, Let Me be many. Instantly ‘Aum‘, the original and primal sound emanated with the first creation.

The resounding effect of creation is Omkar. Omkar signifies the original primordial sound which is also called as Pranavaakara. Every action is followed by or gives rise to movements, the movement of the Earth and all movement in the Cosmos.

Sound is present everywhere. All sounds are related and connected in some way with one another. The primordial, the first sound is Omkara. All other sounds are distortions of the primal sound-they are Vi-karas. For example, when we play the harmonium or piano, we fill the instrument with the same kind and quantity of air and with the same vibrations. But as we press the different musical reeds, depending on the reeds we press and play on, different musical notes i.e., sa, re, ga, ma, pa dha, ni, sa are produced, all of them being modifications or transformations of one basic note only. Thus all the sounds in the universe have emanated from Omkara only, just as all notes coming from the harmonium emanates from the basic keynote only. All the sounds in the universe are thus distortions (Vikaras) of the one Omkara only.

There are seven different frequencies of sound called Sapta Swaras. God is Shabda Swarupa. He has sound as His form.

He has eight different facets.-

  1. Shabda Brahma Mayee,
  2. Charachara Mayee.
  3. Jyotir Mayee,
  4. Vang Mayee,
  5. Nityanand Mayee.
  6. Paratpara Mayee.
  7. Mayaa Mayee,
  8. Shree Mayee.

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