AUM chanting-mr

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Dear children! Sit straight. Breath in and Breath out. Imagine how beautiful and glorious the world is, the birds, the flowers, your parents. Everything is emitting grace and radiance. Let us spread joy to all.

Chant “Aumkaar” three times. Aum is the first primordial sound uttered by God. When God uttered the word ‘Aum’ something was required to contain it and the space element came into existence. It is said that Omkar is the king of all mantras.

God created space first because it can accommodate everything! HE says ‘Love all and Serve all’. Yes, children our Lord loves us so much that he gave us a beautiful world to live in and the entire universe. You pray to your own great self, to keep building you, to guide you and lead you to victory and glory.

  1. Which is known as ‘Manthra Raja’?
  2. What are the good qualities you want to grow with?

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