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Karacharana Sloka

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O, Lord, kindly forgive the wrong actions done knowingly or unknowingly, either through my Karmendriyas (organs of actions – hands, feet, speech) or through my Jnanendriyas (organs of perception – ears, eyes) or by my mind. Glory unto Thee, O Lord, who is the ocean of compassion, kindness.

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KARA Hands (which perform the action of doing something)
CHARANA Feet (which perform the action of walking)
KRITAM Actions done by
VAAK Speech, the power of speech
KAAYAJAM Body or the bodily actions
KARMAJAM The results of all the deeds
VAA Or, and, also
SHRAVANA The action of hearing through the ears
NAYANAJAM Born out of eyes
MAANASAM Of the mind
APARAADHAM Undesirable actions or harmful actions
VIHITAM Good , helpful , desirable actions
AVIHITAM Undesirable or harmful actions
ETAT These
KSHAMASVA May be forgiven by you
JAYA Victory
KARUNAABDHE The Ocean of Mercy
SHRI MAHADEVA The all powerful Lord
SHAMBHO One who is the Ocean of compassion