To warn the children to be aware of the evil influences of the Six inner Enemies, thereby avoiding them by all means.
Related Values:
- Alertness
- Discrimination
- Presence of mind
Materials Required:
- 6 boards each with the name of a shadripu (lust, anger, attachment, greed, ego, envy) and 1 board with ‘God’s Favourite’ written on it.
- Music – to play
- 6 small slips, with a shadripu written on each for shuffling and picking.
- A slip with the words ‘God’s favourite’ on it.
Preparatory work for the Guru:
The 7 boards must be hung on the walls at different corners of the room.
How to Play
- Children should form a circle and keep running to the tune of the music being played.
- When the music stops, the children will have to stand near any of the 6 boards.
- The Guru then should pick 1 shadripu from the pack of 7 slips.(Example: Lust)
- All the children near ‘Lust’ are declared out.
- The board (Lust) should now be removed.
- In this manner, the game continues with the music. In the last round, when only 1 out of 6 ‘Shadripus’ is left, the ‘God’s Favourite’ slip and board can be added.
- The child who stands near that board is said to have avoided the Six Enemies and emerged successful in the so-called trial!!!