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Experiential learning

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Experiencing the Divinity within, through experiential learning exercises, helps enhance children’s integrative learning and understanding.

At the outset children are asked to think of varied abstract and concrete terms. Guided by the Balvikas Guru the class arrives at a theme through consensus.

After arriving at one word/theme through consensus, the Guru motivates the class to concentrate on that particular theme and suggest related words in the manner occurring to them and at random.

Now children are required to map (group) these words under various categories and prepare a Web-Chart.

The class is divided into smaller groups to work on the Web-Chart. Next, each of these groups prepares activities using the five teaching techniques namely – Shloka chanting, Story telling, Guided visualization, Group singing and Group activities for presentation.

The presentation may include activities involving Shlokas/Poems/Proverbs/Quotes/Stories/Guided meditation/Skits/Role plays/Quiz/Attitude tests/Group songs/ Dance/Debates/Group discussion/Poster making /Exhibition etc.

Ample scope is given to children’s resourcefulness & creativity in the emerging group activity sessions.

Both Gurus and children enjoy the activities immensely and it leaves an everlasting impression in the minds of children, thus making the learning process a great success!


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