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The teacher reads the exercise slowly, pausing at the dots…

If you wish you can play soft music in the background.

If there is space, let the children lie quietly in a circle with feet in the centre.

If not, say to them,

Sit in a comfortable position on your chairs. Make sure your back is straight and head is upright. Take a deep breath and relax as you breathe out. Close your eyes, or if you are uncomfortable with that, look down at the floor. Take another deep breath… and another …

Listen quietly to the music…

Think of someone who is not feeling good…

Try to understand how they are feeling…

See how you can help them feel better…

When you help others to feel good, you feel good too…

When you hear my small bell tinkle, slowly open your eyes, look at the person sitting next to you and smile.

[Reference: Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, A Curriculum for the Development of Character and Emotional Literacy by Carole Alderman]

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