Sri Sathya Sai on Jesus Christ – Part 5 – Kannada

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Sri Sathya Sai on Jesus Christ – Part 5


Jesus and Judas

Tradition-minded and egoistic men considered Jesus a false prophet and they tried by every means to thwart His mission. Jesus, however, did not waver. Faced with opposition, He continued to be an example of living Truth, and to purify society. Many disciples followed Jesus but throughout history, it has been the experience of Rama, Krishna, Jesus and Muhammad that disciples however close are seldom fully dedicated. Most are only part-time devotees. Jesus had 12 disciples, most of whom had faith in Him and lived His teachings. But, Judas yielded to greed. He betrayed His Master for a mere 30 coins. He could not find joy in life after this treachery. His mind gave him no peace. He had to seek refuge in suicide.

Judas Betrays Jesus

Betrayal by people who pretend to adore is happening since ages. Corrupt, greedy and selfish people spread falsehoods about their own Masters. We have heard of a Judas, 2000 years ago. But in the Kali Age, people are obsessed with money and Judases have multiplied. They seek to amass paltry riches whereas good character, good conduct and knowledge of God are the three real treasures to be gathered. Land and buildings, silver and gold, dollars and other currencies are temporary and trivial. They are possessions only until life lasts. But those three treasures will stay on, sustain and strengthen you until you attain union with the Infinite.

– “The Way of Jesus”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 14, December 25, 1979, Prasanthi Nilayam

Changes in the nature of the reactions and the lines of approach are brought about by the whims of the moment, the turns and twists of desire and the pressure exercised by the environment, the region and the times. Last night you witnessed a play about Jesus enacted by the students. The disciple who was most loved, Judas by name, decided to work against the Master, yielding to the low temptation of a few pieces of silver. Greed for money is a demon that gets hold of the weak. When one is overcome by it, one loses all trace of discrimination and accepts with ease, wrongful ways of satisfying it.

The success of the task for which I have come will very soon reverberate throughout the world. The truth that all faiths are facets of the One and that all roads lead to the same Goal, is provoking to some persons. You witnessed in the play on Jesus how His emphasis on the basic truths of good and godly life was misinterpreted by even the leaders of religion, who sought to hide their own failings by slander and falsehood. They even plotted to inflict torture on Jesus. All the acts of Jesus were pure and holy, and filled with selfless love. One can have adoration for one’s religion, but it should not be defiled by hatred towards other religions. Be engaged, rather, in tasting the sanctifying, sustaining stream of Divine love. That will confer lasting Ananda.

– “The Task will Triumph”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 14, November 23, 1979, Prasanthi Nilayam

Jesus on the Cross

When Jesus was being crucified, He cried out to God, “O God, Why do You punish me like this?” Immediately He realized the Truth and said, “O God, let Your will prevail. It is You who has created me, sustained me, and protected me. I will not act against Your Will. It was a mistake on my part to blame You”.

When He recognized His mistake, an ethereal voice said, “All are one my dear son, be alike to everyone.” Once you recognize your mistake, Divinity manifests. Man today does not recognize his mistakes; instead he looks for mistakes in others. Do not be bothered about others fault; search for your own faults and rectify them. Only then will your life be sanctified.

– “Develop Steadfast Faith in God”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 31, October 1, 1998, Prasanthi Nilayam

Jesus Christ on the Cross – The Day now celebrated as Good Friday

Only that person who has realized, “I am not the body, I am not the mind; I am God verily”, is a real Jnani. When you say, “This is my body”, who are you? To whom are you referring? The expression ‘my body’ connotes that you are separate from the body. When you say, “This is my mind”, the mind is separate from you. Similarly, when you say, “This is my Buddhi (intellect)”, it means the Buddhi is separate from you. In all these expressions, what is that ‘My’? That ‘My’ is ‘I’. This ‘I’ is what was referred to by Jesus Christ as the ego that has to be cut. That is the real significance of the cross. You cut the ego.

– “Install God in the Altar of Your Sacred Heart”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 42, December 25, 2009, Prasanthi Nilayam

Jesus was crucified on the cross. Mother Mary could not bear that scene and wept inconsolably. Jesus then remarked, “Why do you cry? This is natural. Whatever has to happen will happen, hence you should not shed tears”… God can do anything at His Divine will. Everything is God’s gift only. One has to realise this fact and develop faith accordingly. If you are enjoying good times, it is God’s gift. On the other hand, if you are passing through difficult times, it is also God’s gift. You should develop such steady faith. If you are suffering from malarial fever, you will be given bitter pills. That is also for your good.

– “Contemplate On God, the Real Hero for Victory”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 41, December 25, 2008, Prasanthi Nilayam

The followers of Jesus have got broken into schisms on various counts; but, the life of Christ is a lesson of Unity. When Christ was on the cross, ill-feelings towards the men who tortured Him troubled Him. Suddenly He heard a voice alerting him. “All Life is One, my dear Son Be alike to every one!” This was followed by another admonition, “Death is the Dress of Life”. As one casts of the worn clothes and dons another set, so, the soul dons and doffs bodies. Therefore, Jesus was warned against hate and ill-feelings, as well as the lamentation to which man is heir.

– “He whom Christ Announced”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 11, December 24, 1972, Bangalore

Jesus was crucified on a Friday and He rose from the tomb on a Sunday. That is why Sunday is taken as the day of worship and service in churches. Catholics gave importance to Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ, while Protestants gave importance to the birth of Christ. Catholics celebrate Christmas by worshipping Mary on the evening of 24th and Protestants celebrate the birth of Christ on the 25th.

– “Unity Based On Divinity”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 25, December 25, 1992, Prasanthi Nilayam

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